Tuesday, February 11, 2025 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM (ET)
Celebrate International Love Data Week at Stony Brook University, February 10-14, 2025!
Session Description: This talk will demonstrate why caring about students requires data. Detailed data analytics of undergraduate learning patterns at multiple institutions will be used to reveal whether faculty are mitigating, maintaining, or exacerbating inequities.
Register to Attend: https://stonybrook.zoom.us/meeting/register/0txNDVD-Q1aIdhZsjmPM-w
Facilitated by: Facilitated by Ross Nehm, PhD. Ross Nehm is PI of the BER Lab and is Professor of Ecology & Evolution and a member of the graduate program in Science Education. He completed his graduate work in biology and science education at the University of California-Berkeley and Columbia University. His major awards include a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation, a student mentoring award from CUNY, and a teaching award from Berkeley. He was named an Education Fellow in the Life Sciences by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Professor Nehm has served in academic leadership roles nationally and internationally, including as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Evolution: Evolution Education and Outreach, Associate Editor of Science & Education, Associate Editor of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Editor of CBE-Life Sciences Education, and a board member of several other academic journals. He has been a frequent invited speaker nationally and internationally, including at the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, as a James Moore Lecturer at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, and as a keynote speaker in several countries (e.g., Germany, Sweden, China, Chile). Prof. Nehm is the author of more than 60 journal articles, 12 book chapters, and well over 100 conference papers. He has successfully directed (as Principal Investigator) multiple research studies > $1M and secured more than $8M in research funding. He has served on the research advisory boards of many federally funded science education projects, the National Science Foundation’s Committee of Visitors, and many NSF panels as Chair. His research findings have been featured in The New Republic, Science magazine’s Editor’s Choice, CBS News, and many other outlets.
Looking for more data to love? Visit www.stonybrook.edu/LDW25 to uncover all the #LoveDataWeek events waiting to inform and inspire you!