Sunday, June 19, 2022 11:00 AM (ET)
Mt. Sinai Heritage Trail, Heritage Trust Building Picnic Tables, 633 Mt. Sinai-Coram Road, Mt. Sinai and Via Zoom
Dr. Ursula
We will walk together in Mount Sinai Heritage Trail or separately in our own areas. Please make sure you have connectivity to use Zoom and are walking in an area that will have great connection. You can walk outdoors or indoors. In inclement weather, we will all meet on Zoom only.
Each month we will have a different topic and speaker. After the brief talk, we will walk for approximately a half-hour. Walk with a Doc is a national program encouraging outdoor exercise for health.
Presented by the Department of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group.
Click here to join by Zoom. Meeting ID: 980 0065 9898 • Passcode: peaker (all lowercase)