Wednesday, May 5, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (ET)
“The Art of Confinement” - A multi-disciplinary event highlighting artistic creation under quarantine during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Zoom registration is required. Please click here to register.
A Conversation with Kristina Wong - Performance Artist/Writer/Comedian
Featured in the New York Times’ Off Color series “highlighting artists of color who use humor to make smart social statements about the sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious ways that race plays out in America today”.
A Conversation with members of Ensemble Decipher - Modular, Experimental Music Group
Founded by SBU music students, they perform with vintage, contemporary, and emerging technologies. Winner of a SUNY PACC Prize and a USArtists International Grant from the Mid-Atlantic Arts Council.
One-Minute Monologues
Selected monologues written from perspective of SBU community members on what the art of confinement has meant to them over this past year.
Flash COVID Collage
An interactive installation using the objects in our living spaces that have helped us get through the isolation of the pandemic.